Friday, 18 February 2011

Front Cover/ Contents Page - First Drafts

I've uploaded a few versions of my front cover to show its development/ progression...

Front Cover 1
 To make the front page more similar to the contents page, I changed the style of the banner at the top so that it was the same as the contents page background. I also moved the website address onto the guitar because it shows up clearer.
Front Cover 2
I then added some flowers, which are included on the contents page, so they both look alike. I'm happy with how this looks at the moment, but feel further changes may need to be made before I'm completely satisfied with the finished product.
Front Cover 3
And here's my contents page first draft. Again, I've uploaded more than one version so you can see the progress I made.
Contents page 1
I changed the colour of the 'contents' heading so it was more similar to the front cover. Likewise, I used the same fonts and colour scheme as the front cover. I've also included the logo of the 'A' in 'Aspire' in the bottom right hand corner. I moved this from the left because I thought it looked better where it is now! I removed the stool from the original image to make room for the text which I think works well. I've added a glow to the thumbnail pictures which I've done on the front cover too so overall there is a clear house style running through the magazine.
Contents page 2

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Working with Photoshop

Here is a screen recording of me using Photoshop. It shows how I've used tools such as the quick selection tool and eraser tool to cut out a flower from one image and paste it onto my Contents page. I have been experimenting with flower drawings to make the page look more personal and connote the genre of acoustic music.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Video Blog

I've created a video blog entry talking about my blog and how things are going at the moment!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Mock-up Front Cover

Using an existing picture of an established artist, I made a simple front cover as a practice so that I feel more confident using PhotoShop when I come to making my own magazine cover. I have saved it at different stages so that you can see the development of the masthead. I'm happy with the masthead I have chosen, however the colours may change depending on the photo I use as my cover image.Practice Front Cover
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